1. 推廣流行音樂事業及有關教育活動,提高音樂水準及推動流行音樂文化。
2. 鼓勵現職及新一代音樂從業員加入本會。
3. 參加有關香港流行音樂所有活動,讓香港音樂人增加更多工作機會。
4. 創辦音樂人學院。
(一) 本會將舉辦演唱會及音樂活動,增加現有會員、歌星、樂師等演出機會。
(二) 開辦課程教授各種樂器、歌唱、作曲,填詞及錄音室製作,將聘請現有會員(音樂人、歌星、樂師) 任職導師
(三) 與各類型音樂會、宴會接洽,聘請現有協會會員(包括歌星及樂師等)
(四) 所有來自課程、宴會、音樂會及各種收入,除一切正常開支包括行政、導師、樂師、歌星酬勞、場地租金等,餘下款項撥入創立音樂人協會基金。
(一) 建立會址(會址用途 : 協會內一般事務,音樂學院院址)。
(二) 贊助本地音樂活動及培育音樂人才。
(三) 支付本會舉辦之演唱會及音樂活動各項支出(包括歌星、樂師等各項費用)
(四) 會員除須要繳交入會費外,會員須每年繳交會費,會費將撥入基金用途。
(五) 會員年齡屆六十五歲或以上將會豁免其入會費及年費並獲終生會藉。
(六) 協會將會製作一個網頁,網上定時邀請香港專業音樂人接受訪問及作示範表演,以作宣傳及推廣活動。
(七) 協會並會成立會員福利研究小組,負責研究及推行會員各種福利事務及問題。
(八) 幫助業內有困難人士,及年老生活無依之會員,經審裁後安排協助。
(九) 聘請核數師監管協會所有支出及收入。
(十) 邀請現職律師任本協會顧問。
(十一) 香港政府註冊登記。
職位 : 主席、委員 6名、秘書1名,每月例會及每兩年選舉一次,只能連任一次。
選舉方式: 音樂人協會各職位皆由本會會員以一人一票方式投票選出。
The establishment of MAHK is to strive for and safeguard the rights of its Members in various ways, including :
1. Promote the culture of pop music and related educational activities, so as to raise the standard of local music productions.
2. Encourage musicians and budding musicians to join MAHK.
3. Participate in activities related to pop music, in order to offer local musicians more job opportunities.
4. Establish the Musicians’ Academy.
Scope of Work
(1) MAHK shall organize concerts and music shows to provide its current Members, singers and musicians with more performances and exposure.
(2) Launch an array of classes on musical instruments, vocal training, composing, lyrics writing and studio production, in which current Members (musicians, singers, accompanists) will be employed as class instructors.
(3) Liaise with various concerts and events so that current Members (including singers and accompanists) can be involved as employees.
(4) All incomes generated from MAHK classes, events or concerts, after deduction of administration cost, payment for instructors, accompanists, singers, as well as venue rental charges, will all go to the Music Alliance Hong Kong Fund (the Fund).
Purpose and use of the Fund
(1) Establish and maintain the office of MAHK (use of the office: general affairs of MAHK and its Musicians’ Academy)
(2) Sponsor local music events and nourish music talents.
(3) Cover the expenses incurred in MAHK concerts and music activities (including payment for singers and accompanists)
(4) Membership registration fee shall be collected. Members shall also pay membership fee on an annual basis. The membership fee collected shall be set aside for the Fund.
(5) Both membership registration fee and membership fee shall be exempted for Members aged 65 or over, who shall also be granted lifelong membership.
(6) The website created by MAHK shall invite professional Hong Kong musicians for interviews and demonstrations, which will be uploaded regularly as promotion and publicity programmes.
(7) MAHK shall set up a Welfare Study Group responsible for matters related to the study and implementation of Members’ welfare.
(8) The Fund shall offer support to Members of old age or with financial difficulties. Assistance shall be rendered after verification of their needs.
(9) Auditor(s) shall be engaged to monitor all income and expenditure of MAHK.
(10) Lawyer(s) shall be invited as consultant of MAHK.
(11) The Fund is registered with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Composition of the Committee Chairman, six Committee Members, and one Secretary. Election of the Committee shall be held once every two years. The Chairman and Committee Members are eligible for re-appointment only once. Method of Election Composition of the Committee shall be decided through election. Each Member of MAHK shall have one vote.